Support for Carers


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

  • Ulverstone Uniting Church
  • 10.30 am -12.30 pm
  • Morning tea fully catered
  • For more information phone Deb 0408 649 547 Wednesday to Friday 9 am-5 pm

Mission Australia North West – Contact: Fiona 0459 979 337 for more information


Baptcare – NTCA grounds club rooms in Launceston, every second Friday of the month. Contact: Baptcare for further information.


Baptcare – Bucaan House in Chigwell, every second Tuesday of the month. Contact Baptcare for more information.

Tasmanian Websites and Statewide Information

Tasmanian Advice and Referral Line

Commissioner for Children and Young People Tasmania

Child advocates for Out of Home Care

Department for Education, Children and Young People

Logo for department for education, children and young people

Foster and Kinship Carers Association Tasmania Handbook

Legal Aid Tasmania Fact Sheets

Tasmanian Carer Charter
Carer Recognition Act 2023 (Tas)

Australian Websites and National Information 

Australian Government Grandparent Advisors

Services Australia home page

Family Court of Australia Information

Family Court Information:

Raising Children Network

Raising Children Network

Australian Institute of Family Studies

Grandparents for Grandchildren South Australia

Supporting Queensland Grandparents

Grandparents Victoria

Grandparents Victoria

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren NSW

Parent Line NSW

Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren WA

Grandparent Information ACT

ACT Government – Grandparenting

Wanslea Grandparent Support WA